
Kyoto University PLA-ID Revolution

Associate Prof. Misuzu Asari
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies(GSGES)


This project is a movement to think about and practice smarter relationships with plastics. Our belief is that, by noticing and rethinking our dependency on the plastic products that surround us in everyday life, our awareness of them and the problems they cause, we can begin to consider ways of forming a sustainable relationship with plastics. 
When you think of plastics, chances are you think of plastic shopping bags and PET bottles. But these represent only a tiny fraction of the plastics used today. Most plastic products are not well known as targets for reduction. A major problem is that awareness of and dependency on plastics varies greatly from one individual to the next. This project consists of small daily activities. For example, we encourage people to count how many plastics are in the satchels and backpacks they carry and post their findings on social media, or to carry a personal water bottle instead of buying disposable bottles. Our aim is to spark a movement among the students of Kyoto University.

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