
Building Sustainable System for Resilience and Innovation in Coastal Community Project

Prof. Nobuhito Mori
Disaster Prevention Research Institute(DPRI)

This project is a five-year SATREPS project, launched in 2021. The project focuses on preserving the coastlines of Indonesia, which suffer gravely from coastal erosion and flood damage caused by rough seas and tsunami. Its aims are to construct a monitoring network based on the latest science and technology; develop and transfer methods and technologies to analyze and mitigate disasters; improve protective functions in coastal regions; achieve harmony among disaster preparedness, the environment and economic activity.
To achieve these objectives, the Project is working on the following four issues:
1. Coastal monitoring: Development of monitoring techniques for coastal hydrodynamics, sandy beaches and mangrove forests
2. Multi-hazard assessment: Development of methods and assessment for waves, tsunamis and floods
3. Nature-based solution/Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): Development of disaster mitigation functions of mangroves and sandy beaches against natural hazards combining grey infrastructure
4. Build an integrated platform for technology: Establishment of environmental education and eco-tourism to promote maintenance of green infrastructure, systematization of evacuation planning and education in the hinterland, and consensus building methods based on these methods.

Research concept

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