IAE, a Joint Usage/Research Center for Zero Emission Energy Research
“Zero emission energy” is an umbrella term for a class of advanced, environmentally harmonious forms of energy. The use of these forms of energy generates virtually no carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases or hazardous gases, providing a root-level solution to energy and environmental problems.
Institute of Advanced Energy (IAE) , Kyoto University is accredited by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as a Joint Usage/Research Center for Zero Emission Energy Research. In this capacity, IAE undertakes efforts to respond to appeals from the international community on problems of energy, the environment and resources and to requests from the broad-based scientific community related to energy research. Working from a zero-emission-energy perspective, IAE conducts joint facility use and research with scientists across Japan, including joint use of large-scale, special-purpose and leading-edge scientific equipment as well as cross-disciplinary and joint academic research. These efforts foster international exchange and personnel development while raising awareness of the importance of IAE’s work and promoting the inclusion of researchers in diverse fields. IAE also works hard to educate and cultivate researchers who can take on these challenges.

Panel discussion

Poster announcing an IAE event

Schematic view of IAE’s initiatives in zero energy